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Performance Review

MARCH 1999

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Fox Valley Blues Society

by Dave Glynn


There is a new force to be reckoned with. A new guitar hero rises like the Sun or is that the ‘Son’! From the moment Ronnie Baker Brooks took the stage at Chord on Blues, the audience was in total awe of his stage presence. Whipping out songs from his new CD, Golddigger - on Watchdog Records, Ronnie had the crowd singing along and dancing away.

From the way Ronnie presented himself, it’s clear he is truly a veteran performer who knows how to turn it up and inside out. The most interesting aspect of Ronnie’s performance was the variety of his originals and the dynamics within the songs. Ronnie showed the ability to have the audience truly feel the music and ride the momentum through each tune. From the first song, Ronnie let it all go on his Stratocaster to the point where several people were winking at each other in the audience ‘cause they knew they were witnessing something really special.

Ronnie paid homage to Junior Wells, his father - Lonnie, Jimi Hendrix and Eric Clapton, among many other blues greats, throughout the evening. His style is his own, but the man loves to emulate many players in his performances - the difference here is that Ronnie gives credit where credit is due. But let’s stop right here and talk about Ronnie’s own guitar style.

Ronnie can find more notes on a guitar neck than there are cars on the Eisenhower during rush hour. Every single song was filled with a unique guitar solo that showed what a studied guitar player Ronnie is. His natural ability combined with a sophistication that he’s crafted from years of watching the Chicago Blues greats launch Ronnie into a level all his own. Watch out people, this man is a force to be reckoned with!

Ronnie really brought the house down when he slowed things down with his gospel-flavored tune, "Where Do I Stand In Line."   Then he switched gears and the entire house was boppin’ up and down for "Love Rebound."  The crowd hooped and hollered after every single song to show their appreciation for Ronnie’s incredible performance.

If this is a sign of how 1999 is going to go, we’re in great shape!


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