Award Winning Software: WebPosition Gold

See Why WebPosition Gold Stands Above the Rest!

Feature WebPosition(tm) PositionAgent(tm) Submit-It(tm) SitePromoter(tm) WebTrends(tm) AddWeb(tm) ProBoost(tm) TopDog(tm) Swiss Army App(tm) Search Engine King asp(tm) Engenius(tm) SubmitWolf(tm) Search Engine Commando(tm)
Generates Doorway Pages YES NO NO NO NO YES NO NO NO YES YES Limited NO NO
In-depth Page Critic Analysis YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Assists in Uploading YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO
Automatically Reports your positions YES YES NO NO NO YES NO YES NO NO YES Very Limited YES Limited NO
Tracks your Traffic YES NO NO NO YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
Includes a Page Editor YES NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO YES NO NO
Submits to Major search engines YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO YES YES YES
Submits to 100's of lesser  engines** NO ** NO YES YES NO YES YES YES YES NO NO YES NO
Unlimited submissions YES N/A NO YES N/A YES NO YES YES NO YES YES YES
Price $149 or $349 $60-$1400
(depends how many keywords/URLs you have)
(depends how many URLs)
$96.75 $499-$2999 $59-$149 $49.95/month $179 $99.90 $49/month $79-$210 $95-$295 $97
(Comparison based on information on product Web sites March 11, 2000)

  ** WebPosition submits to only the biggest and most well known search engines since nearly 95% of all the search engine traffic comes from these major engines/directories.  Submitting to 100's of other engines and directories is fine, but it will do you little good if few people search those directories, or you are not taking serious steps to be positioned near the top of the results.  WebPosition makes sure you rank well on the major engines which is the real secret to more traffic.

Hey, but don't take our word for it, just ask our customers or see what the press says!

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Copyright 1997-1999 FirstPlace Software, Inc. * I-Net Marketing is an authorized WebPosition Reseller.
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